BMR, Castle, Home Hardware, Lowe’s, Patrick Morin and TimberMart on the verge of creating a grand commercial premiere

« Signed commitments from executives of six buying groups representing ten hardware banners, that’s one thing. The implementation of the program within these vast networks by their marketing and logistic teams is another; much more time-consuming.  The advent of « Well Made Here » has perturbed many professionals in their head offices, but each, without exception have replied “Present.” Of this, we can be proud! »

It’s through these statements and the enthusiasm for which he is known that we recognize Richard Darveau, President of the new « Well Made Here » organization, noting to which degree bringing together 2,004 retail businesses, competing on a daily basis, is a great commercial industry first.

Wednesday, through video and teleconferencing, TimberMart affiliates learned more about one of the « Well Made Here » program’s objectives; which is to position hardware stores as destinations of choice where a high concentration of quality-made products, manufactured locally, can be found. Click here to view the multimedia presentation, (in French only)

« We’re unable to find any similar initiative, anywhere in Canada, where competitors have set aside their habitual rivalries for the common good. In this case, to provide reliable information to consumers, about quality products that are manufactured in one province or another, » affirms Mr. Darveau.

Five million leaflets distributed at cash registers

Starting next Wednesday, from coast-to-coast, a leaflet will be handed to customers, at cash registers, at 2,404 hardware stores and renovation centres, in order to entice customers to look for the « Well Made Here » logo in stores and to look up product-related information on the

This operation, costing millions of dollars, is going to be taking place everywhere simultaneously, whether its at ACE Locksmithing in Mount Peal, Newfoundland, BMR Savoie in Altholville, New-Brunswick, Castle Spring Valley in Kensington, Prince-Edward-Island, at CountrySide Home Hardware in Fisher Branch, Manitoba, Betts Avenue Lowe’s in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Réno-Dépot in Aurora, Ontario, RONA North Vancouver in Vancouver, British-Columbia, TimberMart Bastien in Oka, Quebec or Unimat de la Coop Novago in Gatineau, Quebec.

The logo will also appear in all of the participating banners’ print and web flyers.

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